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Yoga Can Help Restore Your Health

We all want to jump right back in after an injury but sometimes the body has other plans.

More health professionals would tell you this is simply your body telling you to slow down, take it easy or move into your new state of health slower.

Yoga might be an option and a great therapy to consider.

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There are many kinds of yoga from hot yoga, restorative yoga, senior yoga, etc.

I have a friend that swears by restorative yoga as a tool to slow down, relax, reduce cortisol, slow the heart rate and increase conditions for healing. Most yoga practioners will also tell you that yoga also improves your mental state of being.

You don’t even have to venture out in public with your yoga pants and yoga mat. You can easily do yoga at home. All you need are some towels, blanket and pillows. So far, I like the sound of this.

Start easy and warm up your body. If you can take a quick 10-30 minute walk, start with this. Say you are in a busy life where you don’t get to move much, your mind is probably always on the go regardless. The less anxious you are, the better you will feel. Unwinding with a quick walk can help.

Now it is time to strike a pose. Not for the camera though, we are now talking yoga. Try these:

Legs Up the Wall Pose

  • Sit with a hip about a foot from a wall. Pivot to face the wall, and lie back.
  • Lift your legs, so your heels rest on the wall. Scoot your buttocks far enough from the wall to feel a slight opening in the back of the legs. If you’re recovering from a leg injury, instead bend your knees and rest your lower legs on a bed, couch or chair.
  • Stay for 1 to 5 minutes.

Specific benefit: Opens the hamstrings (less so with bent knees and lowered legs) and relieves weary legs. Improves circulation because turning upside down helps return blood to the heart.

Supported Forward Bend

  • Sit with your back against a wall, legs ahead. Place pillows or folded blankets or towels under your knees (lots if you’ve had a hamstring or glute injury) – enough to allow the back of your thighs to relax. Place several more on your front thighs and shins.
  • Sit up straight and encourage the natural curve of your spine (back of hips, shoulders and head all against wall, with space to slide your hand between your lower back and wall).
  • Hinge forward from your hips without rounding your lower back, and then rest your belly and chest on the padding over your front thighs. Rest your forehead, and drop your arms down.
  • Stay for 1 to 5 minutes.

I hope you’ll love restoring your body with yoga.

Highest regards,

